Spatial features linked data

Spatial features linked data

Lithuanian GSAA application for LPIS parcel of holding #1003177068 block #083543-0006 field #1 - year 2019

Instance URI:

Title Lithuanian GSAA application for LPIS parcel of holding #1003177068 block #083543-0006 field #1 - year 2019 xsd:string
Type Feature This class represents the top-level feature type. This class is equivalent to GFI_Feature defined in ISO 19156:2011, and it is superclass of all feature types.
ns8:iacsId 1003177068083543-00061 xsd:string
Is Part Of This property is intended to be used with non-literal values. This property is an inverse property of Has Part. Lithuania GSAA applications collection 2019 Collection of Lithuania GSAA data 2019
ns10:referenceArea ns2:1003177068083543-00061
ns9:observedPerimeter ns3:1003177068083543-00061
ns5:crop ns13:DGP
ns11:identifierScheme GSAA Dataset from Lithuania A Dataset containing Linked Data representations of Geospatial aid application as part of the Aid applications subsystem of IACS from Lithuania
Label Lithuanian GSAA application for LPIS parcel of holding #1003177068 block #083543-0006 field #1 - year 2019 xsd:string
ns8:validFrom 2019-01-01 xsd:date
Hasgeometry A spatial representation for a given feature. ns4:1003177068083543-00061
Identifier Recommended practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to an identification system. Examples include International Standard Book Number (ISBN), Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and Uniform Resource Name (URN). Persistent identifiers should be provided as HTTP URIs. 1003177068083543-00061 xsd:token
Generatedattime 2023-05-03 xsd:date
ns7:shortId 083543-0006 xsd:string